
The got checked? Campaign is laser focused on fighting for a better educational system and advocating for social justice in healthcare.

National got checked? Day

Suffolk and Nassau County “ got checked? “ Days are already in place and celebrated on April 19th; New York State “ got checked? “Day is also set on July 6th and it’s now time for a National “ got checked? “ day. Filling the gap between puberty and adulthood is necessary and a National “ got checked? “ day would serve that purpose reminding everyone about this call to action. Now in its tenth year, First Company Pink and the “ got checked? “ Campaign strives to put breast cancer and prevention top of mind every day.

It’s a year round commitment and not only the 31 days of October. Posing this important question forces and immediate response that leads to changed behavior.

Shannon's Law

The “ got checked? “ Campaign was the first entity to challenge mammogram age and fight for women’s better screening options. We championed Shannon’s law and it became reality thank you to NY’s Governor Cuomo in 2019. This lifesaving bill requires insurance companies to cover annual mammograms for covered persons age 35 and up.

Mammograms help detect breast cancer earlier and save people’s lives, pain and suffering. Since we clearly see so many cases that do not fall under any criteria and younger women affected, mammograms should be readily available to all at a younger age.

While we empower and educate millennials, we need resources for the “ Gen y “ that are busy and overwhelmed raising a family. The law is named in memory of Shannon Saturno, who was only 31 when she passed away in July 2016. Diagnosed with breast cancer at 28 while pregnant, she fought until the very end with grace and courage. We are determined to carry on her legacy towards a better future for all.

The got checked? Plan of action bill S7095A

We recognized the importance of education and championed a new bill with Senator Shelley Mayer. The bill transcript reads as follows: The first company pink organization brought this issue to the forefront in the "got checked? Plan of action" campaign using expanded breast health education for all students.

Under the legislation, high school students would benefit from learning the importance early of the self-care and self-examinations as a breast cancer screening method and local board of education would be authorized to provide younger students with such age and developmentally appropriate instruction that will provide a long term benefit

Early detection is vital to preventing breast cancer deaths and accurate and appropriate information is the best way to achieve early detection. The State of Connecticut recently enacted an age and developmentally appropriate statute of breast canver screening for their students.

It is only with planting the seed of prevention, continuing with gradual education that we will succeed in raising self aware adults ready to make the right choices.

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